Historical No. 556
Harlequin  -- April 2001
ISBN: 0373291566  -- Paperback
A Category Romance

Reviewed by Jo Rogers,
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THE SEDUCTION OF SHAY DEVEREAUX is set in the post-Civil-War South.  Jenny Pennington's husband, Carl, had died in the war, a prisoner in the infamous Union prison at Elmira, the North's version of Andersonville.  Before he died, he begged his friend and fellow prisoner, Gaeton Devereaux, to take care of his wife and son. 

Devereaux, who now goes by the name of Shay, never uttered those words of promise.  For four years, he traveled around, running from the nightmare of that plea.  But Carl Pennington's visage haunted his dreams, and he finally realized he would find no peace until he made and kept the promise.  Though Carl could no longer hear him, Devereaux uttered the words, then set out to find Jenny and her son, Marshall.

Devereaux didn't know what he'd expected, but it certainly wasn't tiny, auburn-haired, blue-eyed, Jenny Pennington.  He definitely had no plans to stay beyond harvest.  But he found the delectable Jenny more and more appealing.  She found him totally irresistible.

THE SEDUCTION OF SHAY DEVEREAUX is a beautifully told story of the power of love.  There are, however, several scenes of explicit sex.  They do nothing to move the story forward, and seem to be there just for the sake of having a sex scene there.  They are well written, but they detract from anotherwise beautiful love story.

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