Thirty Nights by JoAnn Ross
Harlequin Blaze, No. 5
Harlequin - September 2001
ISBN: 0373790090450 - Paperback
Category romance - for strong love scenes

Reviewed by Suzie Housley, MyShelf.Com
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Hunter St. John was enchanted by the hypnotic voice radiated by lovely new age performer Gillian Cassidy. He knew he must seek her out and possess her. Upon learning Gillian is the daughter of an old enemy who is guilty of stealing scientific research he devises a blackmail scheme that includes having Gillian as his willing partner for thirty nights. Thirty nights is all it will take to get Gillian out of his system...or will it?

Gillian Cassidy has held a secret flame for Hunter St. John since the young age of twelve. When she learns he is demanding her services in exchange for remaining silent about her father's past deception she knows she holds the key to her father's future. She makes the decision to make the ultimate sacrifice and go to give in to his wishes …to answer some of her own.

JoAnn Ross writes an emotional packed Beauty and the Beast theme novel. With steamy dialogue, haunting familiar characters, and a plot that will keep you in heat, this one is to be enjoyed in one pleasurable setting.

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