Unconditional Surrender by Joanna Wayne
Intrigue No. 621 - Trueblood, Texas Series
ISBN: 0373226217 - Paperback
Category Romance / Suspense

Reviewed by Jen Oliver, MyShelf.com
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This is a story about being there at the right time to save someone. Diana

Kincaid was trapped in a cabin in the woods of Texas after giving birth to her daughter, who was delivered by thugs that tried to sell her baby on the black market. Ross Taylor was an escapee from a prison transfer for a crime that he did not commit. While Ross was finding a place to stay for the night, he found Diana in the cabin.

They were trying to figure out if they should tell her parents, the governor of Texas, or continue trying to find her daughter without the help of authority because of Ross' escape. When they were on the run together, they realized that they had tremendous feelings towards one another and tried to agree that they would not do anything until her daughter was returned to her.

This novel did not move too quickly in the romance factor. The overall story was a little disappointing and unrealistic but was still enjoyable. The scenery fit the story and the reader is able to picture what exactly is going on and where it is going on.

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