Silhouette Desire # 1359
Silhouette – April 2001
ISBN: 037376359X – Paperback
Category Romance

Reviewed by Brenda Weeaks, MyShelf.com
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Metsy Hingle is one of my favorite category romance authors, and with reason. In picking up one of her category romances, I expect and get a quick, well-developed read that keeps me intrigued till the end. Wife with Amnesia is the best one yet.

Claire Gallagher is lying in a New Orleans hospital when a handsome man walks in and lays a toe-curling kiss on her. He identifies himself as her husband, but she can’t seem to remember. From the start, it’s obvious in Matt’s reactions with Claire there are past issues between them (Hmmm, intriguing). Will he come clean? And after talking to the detective, it seems the situation that caused her injury isn’t an open and closed case after all (Hmmm, even more intriguing). Is she still in danger? 

If you are looking for a romance with substance, a romance that offers more to it’s readers than a physical dalliances or two, a romance with a strong plot and likable characters, then Wife with Amnesia is the romance for you. It’s a successful plot with some interesting suspenseful hooks to keep the pages turning until the end. A category romance must read!

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