Silhouette Intimate Moment 1776
By Cindy Dees
Silhouette– September 2002
ISBN: 0373272464– Paperback

Reviewed by Suzie Housley,
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She had a life and death decision to make . . .

Air Force Captain Annie O’Donnell found herself involved in a dangerous military mission that required her to fly into a war zone to retrieve an elite group of Special Operations personnel. She is unprepared when a warning signal suddenly goes off signaling that the enemy below had engaged missile lock on her aircraft. To stay put and allow the last team member enough time to access the helicopter would mean certain death for all members involved. She makes the painful decision to put the aircraft into motion and sacrifice the life of the lone soldier who was helplessly suspended underneath her helicopter. Racked with guilt and indecision, she silently prays for his death to be quick and painless. Grimly one of the special operations leaders provides a name to the faceless individual –Major Thomas Folly.

Her touch made him want to continue living . . .

Major Thomas Folly was a prisoner in a dark mass that had consumed his body. The only sensation he was acutely aware of feeling was agonizing pain. Somewhere far away, a soothing voice willed him to live. He knew the soothing hand that caressed his brow must surely belong to an angel. If he willed his eyes to open, would he find that he had died and gone to Heaven?

Watch out SuzAnne Brockmann, be warned Lindsey McKenna, newcomer Cindy Dees is on the block and is already commanding attention. It has been years since I felt such a strong sensation about a new voice in the romance industry. With Cindy Dees military background, she has all the ammunition to write one explosive novel. This new author is not to be missed, I predict she will take the romance genre by a tremendous storm!

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