Harlequin Intrigue 662
By Joanna Wayne
Harlequin - May 2002
ISBN: 037322662 - Paperback
Romance / Series
Rating - strong love scenes

Reviewed by: Suzie Housley, MyShelf.Com
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Dr. David Bryson was a scarred recluse who was involved in a horrific boating accident that killed his fiancée five years prior. He is rumored to be responsible for the twenty-year serial killing spree that has plagued the citizens of Moriahs Landing. He hides his hideous face from the residents, and makes nightly visits to the town to seek out justice by finding the real killer. On one of his nightly visits Becca Smith memorizes him. There is something familiar about her that commands her to learn more about her existence.

Becca Smith makes her living as a seamstress sewing elaborate dresses for the citizens of Moriahs Landing. She is unprepared as one night a voice calls out to her and offers to hire her services. The dark voice is filled with so much sadness and loneliness that it immediately captures her attention. She learns the voice belongs to the owner of the castle on the cliffs, David Bryson. She finds herself immediately intrigued by the man of mystery. She is determined to find out his real motive for hiring her to redecorate his home. By doing so will she is placing herself in the hands of a serial killer?

BEHIND THE VEIL is unlike most intrigues you will ever experience. When you think you have figured out how it will end, Ms. Wayne throws a curve ball that will knock your theory clear out the window. I was unprepared at the shocking conclusion, but was very please with the end result. Ms. Wayne gives the readers the best of both worlds - a twenty-year serial murder that demands to be solved, and a beautifully crafted romance that centers on one of my favorite themes (Beauty and the Beast). It takes a very talented and skilled writer to be able to combine two entirely different aspects and create a very memorable novel.

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