By Gloria Gay
Infinity - July 2001
ISBN 0741406993 PB
Historical Romance / Regency London

Reviewed by: Rachel A Hyde,
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Fantine Delmere is contemptuous of her lazy family who has been content to let the Earls of Ashcom look after them for several generations - ever since a duel killed one of their ancestors. When the current Earl arrives to see if Fantine is worth financing for a London Season, she tells him what she thinks of him - and of her family. The Earl gives her an ultimatum to marry by the Season's end or watch her family be thrown out of their home. Surely with beauty like hers it will be easy? But there are hostile forces out there that want her to fail…

I have always enjoyed Regencies that focused on the London Season rather than more rustic pleasures - and this is an enjoyable excursion through the salons and ballrooms with a hint of humor and a dash of danger to add spice to the mixture. Someday I am going to find a novel that gives me a really meticulous description of fashionable London in those days complete with all the notable characters of the day but until then, something like this gives a fairly good idea. Entertaining as a glass of champagne, this happy tale fizzes in all the right places.

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