By Karen Kay
AVON - July 2002
ISBN: 0380820668 - Paperback
Historical Romance
1800'S, Big Horn Mountains, Montana

Reviewed by: Christy Tillery French, MyShelf.Com
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As the sole survivor of a cholera epidemic which swept through her wagon train, 11-year-old Carolyn White finds herself alone in the wilderness of the Bighorn Mountains, where she is rescued by Lone Arrow, a young Indian brave who has gone into the mountains seeking a vision. In order to escape a charging bear, Lone Arrow takes Carolyn into a sacred cave where there is much treasure. Although Lone Arrow warns Carolyn that the treasure is cursed, she takes a small gold cross, thinking she can use this to buy what she needs to get back to civilization.

Lone Arrow accompanies Carolyn as far as Fort C. F. Smith and there leaves her. Eight and a half years later, Carolyn is living in Virginia City with her adoptive parents, where nothing but bad luck seems to befall them. Carolyn finally figures out it must be the gold cross's curse that is bringing such bad luck to her family and decides to return to the Bighorn Mountains and find the cave, returning the cross to its rightful place, breaking the curse upon her family.

Carolyn goes to Fort Ellis and there begins to search for Lone Arrow in hopes he will take her into the mountains and lead her to the cave. Lone Arrow at first refuses but eventually agrees when Carolyn offers herself in marriage as payment for leading her to the cave, although she will not tell him why she wants to return there. Lone Arrow does not trust her, but she has been in his thoughts for eight and a half years, and he feels a connection with her. They consummate their marriage and begin the trip to return the cross to the cave, along the way learning as well as questioning each other's cultures while falling more deeply in love.

"Lone Arrow's Pride" is heavy with dialogue that keeps the reader engaged. The chemistry Ms. Kay portrays between Carolyn and Lone Arrow is wonderfully expressed. I enjoyed reading a story such as this that is laden with much history of the area as well as the Crow Indians and their culture, which I found fascinating. A book that not only has an interesting plot and sensual love story, but educates as well. I would highly recommend this book, even to those who are not normally readers of this genre.

Christy Tillery French is the author of "Chasing Horses" and "Wayne's Dead"

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