By Helen Haddah
RFI West -
ISBN: 1586978835
Fiction//Contemporary/ Romantic Suspense

Reviewed by Barbara Buhrer, MyShelf.Com
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Maureen Lowe, a forensics artist, is asked by the Granite Run police to make a sketch of the murderer of Jennie Starbuck as described by witness, Lisa Adams.

After Maureen completes the sketch, Lisa insists it is not the true picture and makes changes. The final sketch resembles Brady Parrish, wealthy investment advisor and member of one of the town's leading families.

Maureen becomes suspicious of Lisa's action. When Lisa is killed, she becomes convinced that an unknown enemy is framing Brady. In the course of Maureen and Brady's investigations to prove his innocence, they uncover hidden secrets in Brady's mother's past.

This is a tantalizing story with many twists and turns until the true perpetrator is unmasked. The characters are realistically portrayed. The police procedure is true to life.

The author has dealt with the ramifications of adopted children seeking their true parents.

The romance developing between Maureen and Brady is an added fillip to the story.

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