Quadruplets on the Doorstep
By Tina Leonard
American Romance, 905
Harlequin - 2002
ISBN: 0373169051 - Paperback
Romance / Category (Series)

Reviewed by: Jen Oliver, MyShelf.com
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This is a touching story about a nurse, April Sullivan, and a former cop, Caleb McCallum, that join forces to take care of four little infants that have been abandoned by their teenage mother. At the start of the book, April is given a note by the mother, asking her to take care of her children. The mother then leaves the hospital. Caleb searches long and far, but is unable to find her. During that time, April applies to become a temporary foster parent for the adorable children. After she follows Caleb's suggestion and gets married to him, April is able to get custody of them.

Tina Leonard does a wonderful job of showing how much one person can care about children, and the lengths they will go to to make sure that the children are taken care of. She also does a wonderful job of developing the romantic relationship between Caleb and April. The relationship is not as fast-paced as most romances seem to be. This story, overall, is a very quick and enjoyable read. The descriptions of the plot and scenery are well done. An excellent choice if you are a romance fan or just looking for a relaxing read.

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