Silhouette Special Edition, No. 1469
By Patricia McLinn
Silhouette Special Edition - May 2002
ISBN: 0-373-24469-X - Paperback
Category (Series) Romance / Contemporary

Reviewed by: Kristie Leigh Maguire,
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As Judi Monroe fled from the church in all her wedding finery, all she could think of was getting away. Away from the man she was supposed to marry, to spend the rest of her life with. The words that she had overheard right before starting that long walk down the aisle kept echoing in her ears, "I just wish I knew if I'm about to watch Bonnie and Clyde getting hitched, or Mary Poppins being tied to Al Capone."

Judi saw the horse and rider loom up in front of her as she drove down the lonely Wyoming road. She was going to hit them! She swerved the car off the road and ran smack dab into a tree. As she came to, she slowly opened her eyes. She was staring into the greenest, sexiest eyes she had ever seen. She felt the heat from those eyes clear through her body.

Thomas Vance stared down at the girl in the wrecked car. She was slumped over and bloody. She was dead! Then her hazel eyes slowly opened and she looked up at him. Clear through to his soul. He felt himself being pulled into those eyes. But she was an outsider and Thomas knew all about what could happen when you let outsiders into your life.

"What's your name?" Thomas demanded.

"I don't know-----."

Patricia McLinn has created a wonderfully entertaining story in RUNAWAY BRIDE. It takes you from the sophisticated world of Lake Forest, Illinois to the rugged life of a ranch in the wilds of Wyoming. There couldn't have been more of a contrast between two people than there was between Judi Monroe and Thomas Vance. Would Judi and Thomas be able to put the past and their differences behind them and find true love? You won't be able to put RUNAWAY BRIDE down until you find out.

Kristie Leigh Maguire is the author of Desert Triangle, Emails from the Edge, co-author of No Lady and Her Tramp, contributor to Calliope's Mousepad: Women Writers Online.

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