The Way Upcountry
By Barrington King
Five Star
ISBN: 0-7862-4407-0 - Hardcover
Historical Romance
for mature content

Reviewed by Kristie Leigh Maguire,
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The War Between the States was in its final stages when Joel Devereux managed to run the blockade and return to Georgia from Spain where his father had sent him to get him away from Susannah Goode. Susannah was the ward of a Presbyterian missionary, but she was also the daughter of the owner of a brothel and not suitable marriage material for the son of a wealthy Southern aristocrat. However, Joel was determined to have her for his wife.

THE WAY UPCOUNTRY is not just the story of Joel and Susannah's struggle to overcome the odds to be together, it is also a fascinating tale of stolen Confederate gold and a defeated South during the last days of the Civil War. Barrington King manages to throw in spies, mystery, intrigue and romance in this novel - quite an interesting combination.


Kristie Leigh Maguire, author of Emails from the Edge (The Life of an Expatriate Wife) and contributor to Calliope's Mousepad: Women Writers Online.

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