Why Ask for the Moon?
By Elizabeth Taylor George
Novel Books Inc - May 2002
ISBN: 1931696306 - eBook
Historical Romance - (1920's-1930's)

Reviewed by: Jen Oliver, MyShelf.Com
Buy a Copy at NovelBooksInc

Imagine being rich and attending the grandest galas, then falling in love with a simple laborer that works for your father's steel mill. This is what happens to Iris Montgomery. She meets Kian McKitterage and falls madly in love with him. Her main problem is trying to get out of an arranged marriage with an old childhood friend whom she has no love for. There are also some questions about a woman who lives with Kian and Kian's own shady past.

Ms. George does a wonderful job in creating these characters and keeping the time period authentic. The reader finds herself wanting Kian and Iris to break the class barriers and finding their place in the world. The reader gets sucked into the simple romance between Kian and Iris. The romance is kept simple and does not lead to complicating situations between Kian and Iris. The mystery of what happens to the woman that shares a home with Kian is well developed and well concluded with a slightly shocking ending.

A truly simple and exquisite romance story about breaking class barriers and hidden secrets about the past and present. A touching story about how true love will continue to be there through the thick and the thin.

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