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Publisher: Avon Books
Release Date: March 2003
ISBN: 0060938412
Format Reviewed: Trade Paperback
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Genre: Contemporary Romance
Reviewer: Robyn Glazer
Reviewer Notes:

The Accidental Virgin
By Valerie Frankel

     Working at has taken up so much Of Stacy Temple's life that she is on the brink of being a re-virgin. According to an on-line writer, Gigi XXX, if a woman is celibate for one year, besides being crazy, then that person regains their virgin status. Stacy is mortified to find out that she has let herself become sexless and plans to immediately rectify this situation. As she mentally flips through all the men in her life, Stacy isn't thrilled with what she finds but gives it a go anyway. It was bad enough losing her virginity the first time; she doesn't want to have to go through it again. For the next week, Stacy suffers through many unsuccessful and humiliating experiences - and all this while trying to keep her unstable job.

     The Accidental Virgin evoked many reactions from me. At first, I thought the premise was cute but as I got deeper into the book, I was shocked at the cavalier way Stacy approached sex. There was never any mention of protection, which just comes across, as dangerous and highly unrealistic. Towards the end, when Stacy started to calm down a little bit, was when I began to enjoy the book again. The ending had a great twist that redeemed the story for me.

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