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Publisher:   Five Star Press
Release Date: April 2003 
ISBN:   0786248726
Format Reviewed: Trade paperback (available in hardcover)  
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Genre:   Contemporary romance
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer:   Janet Elaine Smith
Reviewer Notes: Janet Elaine Smith is the author of Dunnottar, Marylebone, Par for the Course, In St. Patrick's Custody, Recipe for Murder, House Call to the Past, Monday Knight, My Dear Phebe, And They Called Her General Leigh, A Lumberjack Christmas, (soon to be re-released) A Christmas Dream, (soon to be released) Dakota Printer.

Real Men Sell Bras
By Cathy McDavid 

       Casie Malcavey was doing the family favors-again-and ended up in a lingerie shop to buy a maternity bra for her well-endowed, very pregnant sister. She was not prepared for the clerk to be a man-and a rather handsome one at that. When she nervously asked told him the size she wanted, he visually measured her up and down and determined she didn't know what assets she had-or didn't have.

       Scott Karstetter was helping his mother out in the shop, and he knew as soon as he set eyes on Casie that it was his lucky day. But how could he come onto her without it seeming like a come-on?

       Fate has a way of playing practical jokes. Before long, Casie is roped into helping the high school girls form a cheerleading squad, and it isn't long until she realizes that the coach is none other than the guy from the bra shop.

        This is a personal aside, but I love a woman in a book who has a fondness for her car. It shows the men of the world that they aren't the only ones who do this. Casie has even named her car, which is about as dependable as she figures Scott is, but before long he figures not only into her life, but the life of her car.

        This book is filled with delightful laugh-out-loud lines. Of course, there are some tender moments thrown in, including the delivery of Casie's sister's baby, just so you don't forget it is a romance. Cathy McDavid is definitely a repeat author in my book. Life is too short to waste it on all that serious literature when you could be having fun. I highly recommend it.

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