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Publisher: Bethany House
Release Date: February 2003
ISBN: 0764226444
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre: Christian Fiction / Romance
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Vickie Adkins
Reviewer Notes: Review Two

Troubled Waters (Review Two)
By Rene Gutteridge 

     When Macey Steigel returns home to Kansas after the death of her father, she soon finds that she didn't have it all together after all. Lost love, bittersweet memories, and unearthed secrets join forces to slowly break down the reliable wall Macey has built around her past. She's forced to deal with issues that follow the path of no looking back; guilt being the main culprit.

     Familiarity will rise up with the Prologue, and stay with the reader throughout the book. Gutteridge's ability to create down-to-earth characters will cause you to wonder if she's writing about your family. I wanted to walk into the book's cover and sit on the front porch of a house identical to the one in which I grew up.

     Cozy up on your own porch with a glass of iced tea, and enjoy this great read.

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