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Publisher: RFI West
Release Date: December 2002
ISBN: 1586974599 (download)
1586977601 (POD)
Format Reviewed: Ebook Printout
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Genre: Romance / Comedy
Reviewer: Jen Oliver
Reviewer Notes:

Web Story
By Karen Troxel 

     This book is a quick read, light-hearted with several comedic aspects, a story about a woman who is attempting to develop her private investigative skills and a man who is going undercover for the FBI.

     When Rafferty Sinclair goes undercover, he truly changes who he is, adding a bit of humor when the reader pictures what he must look like. Annie Blaszak is a former research librarian who attempts to acquire more PI skills while attempting to help her brother. In her attempts, she befriends a female professional wrestler, who adds a good deal of humor to the story.

    The plot of the mystery is secondary to the romance between Annie and Rafferty. The location of the story could take place anywhere. It does not have to be in the warm climate that Ms. Troxel chose for her story.

     This book is a fairly good book for this author's second. This reader would have enjoyed the book if the romance was played out a little longer, which would have made the book longer than a meager seventy-five pages.

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