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Publisher: Avon/Harper Collins
Release Date: Feb 2004
ISBN: 00605270556
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre: Romance
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Barbara Buhrer
Reviewer Notes: Explicit sex

An Affair Most Wicked
By Julianne MacLean

      Heiress Clara Wilson has come to London from America in 1883 to find a title and a husband. Because of a mix up in invitations, Clara attends the notorious Cakias Ball instead of the polite society affair she was supposed to attend. A stranger steals a dance and a kiss before he discovers her mistake and convinces her to leave before she is recognized and has her reputation ruined.

     Clara discovers that the stranger is Seger, the Marquess of Rawdon, who has a reputation as a rogue. Seger introduces himself to Clara in polite society and begins a campaign to win her love. She is warned against becoming involved with him, but she finds him irresistible. However, Clara isn't sure whether he is courting her or asking her to indulge in an affair.

      Take a fast paced romp in a delightful tale of a willful American heiress in London in the 1880's. Clara and Seger are two intelligent individuals who seem to be able to talk to each other and eventually solve their problems. Theirs is a wonderful love story filled with passion and humor. There is an interesting supporting cast of characters, among them Cassie's older sister who had also sought an English title, and her titled husband. We are given a thorough look at the London marriage mart, always interesting and intriguing.