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Publisher: Avon
Release Date: September 30, 2003
ISBN: 0060519711
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre: Historical Romance [Scottish Highlands, 1728]
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Suzie Housley
Reviewer Notes:  ‘E’ Rating

Beloved Highlander
By Sara Bennett

      General Macintosh knew his last days on earth were numbered. Before his departure, he wished to secure his beloved daughter Margaret’s future by arranging a marriage of convenience to their wealthy neighbor, the Duke of Abercauldry. Then they learned the shocking truth of how the duke’s former wife had been murdered—rumored to be at his very hands. Margaret wishes to avoid being tied to such an unscrupulous man. She takes her father’s advice and sets off to find Gregor Grant. They are convinced Gregor will be able to save her from a fate worse than death.

      Gregor Grant would have been the Lord of Glen Dhui, but he lost his inheritance to the English. Embittered, he vowed never to return to the painful memories. He didn’t expect the arrival of Scottish lass Margaret Macintosh, who suddenly came into his life and uprooted his world. He’s surprised when she asks him to return to her father’s side. Intrigued, he agrees, but is stunned to learn what her father had in mind for his future.

     Sara Bennett’s writing style reminded me of legendary great Kathleen E. Woodiwiss. After reading Beloved Highlander, I felt the gratifying sense of an author’s work that I knew had earned a permanent place in my heart. Writing such as this is like fine wine—once savored, you will never be satisfied until you consume more.