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Publisher: Harper Collins
Release Date: 2004
ISBN: 0-06-008545-2
Format Reviewed: Trade paperback
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Genre: Contemporary romance / Chick Lit
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Nancy Arant Williams
Reviewer Notes: Reviewer Nancy Arant Williams is the author of "Coming Home to Mercy Street," "In the Company of Angels," and "In the Shadow of the Cherubim."

Boy Meets Girl
By Meg Cabot

     Kate MacKenzie is a small town transplant from Kentucky, now living in New York City. Talk about your fish out of water. Because of her desire to help people, she trained to be a psychological social worker and is now working for The New York Journal newspaper in the Human Resources Department.

     Enter problem employee Ida Lopez, baker extraordinaire. Ida's only problem, which becomes Kate's problem, is that she refuses to serve a requested dessert, in this case key lime pie, to a person she doesn't like, and Kate's boss's boyfriend—and soon-to-be-fiancé—is her current persona non grata.

    When the issue ends up in court, Kate is forced to decide whether to go with her conscience or be loyal to the company party line, all the while surrounded by the chaos, humor, and riotous living going on around her. At this point Kate, who is still a rather traditional soul in her own right, is without home (bunking in with friends while apartment-hunting), hearth, and perhaps, soon—job.

    Boy Meets Girl, written so cleverly by Meg Cabot, is told via emails, journal entries, company memos, and directives, in what I would describe as hip-lit style. As a big fan of The Princess Diaries, I was anxious to read more of her work. However, this book is unlike The Princess Diaries in that it is very sexual in nature, textually graphic, which disappointed me greatly. Perhaps people live and talk that way in New York City, but where I live, it's called bad taste.

     It should be noted—the book cover, reminiscent of the game Monopoly, looks as though it could easily be G-rated.

     Boy Meets Girl would be totally charming if its talented author had declined to use four letter words and R+ rated material. My hope is that her future endeavors will more closely resemble her refreshing work in The Princess Diaries. And if such is the case, I will once again be her biggest fan.