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Publisher: Harlequin
Release Date: February 2004
ISBN: 0-373-83600-7
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre:   Romantic Thriller
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Amanda Kimbrell
Reviewer Notes: Intense and graphic scenes 

Cold Feet
By Brenda Novak

      Madison Lieberman and her family suffered extensively when Madison’s father became a suspect in murders of local women. After Madison’s father kills himself, Madison and her family think that the ordeal is over and done; but the truth is not going to lay silent. Caleb Trovato studied the case and the serial killer nicknamed the "Sandpoint Strangler". He would like to finalize all the points made in the case and to perhaps write a novel on the subject. His wish seems to be granted when new cases come forth. The problem is the likely suspect is now dead and most of the clues are several years old. Caleb is called to solve the mystery and lies to get close to Madison. They are drawn to each other despite both feeling that the relationship would never work. In addition, they both would like to see an end to the mystery surrounding the "Sandpoint Strangler" before any more bodies appear.

      Cold Feet is a well-written novel and moves at an extraordinary pace. The characters are embroiled in several plots but the plots are designed to move well together and at the end, the reader finally understands how all the pieces fit together. Brenda Novak puts a great storyline together and finishes with a surprising twist that is well enjoyed!