Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Rowena Cherry
Release Date: Jan 2005
ISBN: 0-9765397-0-5
Awards: Finalist-Dorchester’s New Voice In Romance
Format Reviewed: e-book
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Genre: Futuristic Romance
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Shelina Emery
Reviewer Notes: Explicit content

Forced Mate
By Rowena Beaumont Cherry

    Tarrant - Arragon, The Great Djinn, race depends upon finding a bride. He journeys to earth to find his mate and refuses to let anything stand in his way. The qualities he seeks in a potential bride is a woman who's strong willed and beautiful.

     Djinni-vera, however, is a most reluctant bride. The horror stories she had heard about lovemaking have done little to ease the fears that her mind has conjured. Being a Telepathic, she knows exactly what her abductor wants from her. Djinni fights Tarrant-Arragon with all she has and more, until one day she surrenders.

      Upon her surrender, much treachery and betrayal comes to light. Tarrant-Arragon and Djinni must face many obstacles before they are as one. Each knows that they are destined to be with one another.

       Forced Mate is something any fan of futuristic romance will enjoy. It offers a very creative cast of characters with equally unique names, Rowena Cherry has woven a story that will keep you on the edge wondering just what Djinni will do next, and just how Tarrant-Arragon will react to her. Each and every character is entertaining. This is definitely a story you don’t want to pass by. Highly recommended.