Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Warner Forever / Time Warner
Release Date: December 1, 2004
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre:   Contemporary Romance

Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Suzie Housley

Reviewer Notes:


Forget Me Not
By Marliss Melton

   In an instant life as we know it can change forever . . .

   When Helen Renault learned of the death of her husband a year ago, she was forced to create a new life for herself and her daughter, Mallory. The tragic news of her husband's death forced her to become a stronger person. Her marriage was one that happened for all the wrong reasons. Now a year later, when she receives a call that informs her that her husband is alive and is suffering from amnesia, she fears the independence she has found is about to come to an abrupt end.

   Navy Seal Gabe Renault manages to escape from a North Korean prison. The last three years of his life is a mystery, for he can't remember any details about them. The night of his capture is a blur. Having partial amnesia, he is unable to recognize his own wife and stepdaughter. In Helen's eyes he sees distrust, and her aloof manner has him puzzled. With his marriage on the rocks? And with his memories locked away, will he be able to piece it all together and begin to go forward with his life?

     The title of this book definitely fits it like a glove, for you will not soon forget it once you have finished turning the last page. Move over SuzAnne Brockmann, make way Lindsay McKenna - Marliss Melton's Forget Me Not will give you some stiff competition. This outstanding book is one that is sure to become a collector's item. I look forward to seeing more of the characters she introduced in this book have their own story in the very near future. A definite perfect "10" Bravo!!!