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Publisher: Avon Books / HarperCollins
Release Date:
ISBN: 0-06-054930-0
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre:  Historical Romance
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Shelina Emery
Reviewer Notes:  Sensual

It Takes A Hero
By Elizabeth Boyle

   Rafe Danvers is in the process of working a murder case when the ladies of London summon him for a meeting. Seems the elusive Miss Darby, an author of romance has set the ton on its ear. Her books have convinced the daughters of London to forsake marriage. With the offer of a house and land as payment, Rafe agrees to track down the lady writer and convince her to stop her novels. Once he sets his sites on Rebecca Tate, he knows he has found the woman his heart has been searching for.

   With secrets of her own, Rebecca can't afford to have the inquisitive though handsome man around. As hard as she tries, however, she is unable to dismiss the feelings Rafe brings forth inside her. With one night and a kiss she finds that her outlook on love is changed forever. Rebecca places her heart and trust in his hands.

   A thoroughly wonderful and exciting romance. A story within a story that I found humorous as well as sweet. A historical in a totally different light. I very much enjoyed this book and send Elizabeth Boyle two thumbs up!! Would highly recommend to any lover of romance.