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Publisher: Avon / HarperCollins
Release Date: September 2003
ISBN: 0060560118
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre:   Chicklit / romance [Contemporary London suburbs]
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Lynda E. Lukow
Reviewer Notes:  Sex: Implied

The Nanny
By Melissa Nathan

      Jo Green has had enough of her humdrum life in Nibblet-Upon-Avon. She leaves behind arguing parents, uninspired relationships and an underpaid position for the hustle of a London suburb. She gets more than she bargained for as a nanny for the charmingly dysfunctional Fitzgeralds.

     Vanessa Fitzgerald, a harried advertising executive, envies her husband Dick's low-pressured life. Remote, eight-year-old Cassandra; sanguinary six-year-old Zak, and precocious four-year-old Tallulah have bustling schedules. Add teenager Toby and all-grown Josh, Dick's children from a previous marriage, and Jo faces demands that would test anyone's endurance.

     She soon learns to discern fact from fiction, discovers her true self and finds the strength to stand up for her desires. One desire is hot and hunky grownup Josh. Ms. Nathan's characters are real people who face genuine situations which readers will recognize either in their own lives. Beautifully interwoven plots make this novel tough to put down.

     The Nanny is a captivating tale and a must read for women of all ages.