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Publisher: Harlequin
Release Date: May 1, 2004
ISBN: 0373227752
Format Reviewed: Mass Market Paperback
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Genre: Series romance - Suspense and Adventure
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Brenda Weeaks
Reviewer Notes:  

Official Duty
Harlequin Intrigue, No. 775
Cowboy Cops
By Doreen Roberts

    “Mabel and Jim died in a car wreck on the mountain, both are dead, and the funeral was yesterday.”

    Ginny Matthews has recently lost her husband. Now, she must deal with the brutal murder of her foster parents. In her mind, the threat of danger tempts her to stay where she feels the safest. Eventually, it’s the Sheriff who convinces her to return home. Ginny heads back to Gold Peak, Oregon, to painful memories and danger....

    Sheriff Cully Black is investigating Mabel's and Jim’s murders. Because of his past with Ginny, he feels it’s his personal duty to convince her to return for the reading of the Will. Black quickly sees a change in Ginny. Her eyes, once blazing green fire, are now guarded. When she refuses to consider her foster parents' wishes, he gets the impression she prefers the big city to Gold Peak. The cowboy cop takes his duty seriously when Ginny finally admits her fears....

    This may be Doreen Roberts’ first romantic suspense for Harlequin Intrigue, but her veteran status as a romance writer clearly shines through. She does a splendid job of blending romance with suspense. The false leads are just enough to move the story along, but Roberts knows what romance readers really want--a masterfully told tale of a deeply emotional relationship. Highly recommended.