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Publisher: Avon/Harper Collins
Release Date: Nov. 2003
ISBN: 0060092661
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre: Regency romance
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Barbara Buhrer
Reviewer Notes: Explicit sex

One Kiss From You
By Christina Dodd

     The Duke of Magnus, an inveterate gambler, has wagered his daughter Madeline's hand in marriage against Remington Knight's fortune and lost.

      Madeline has no intention of marrying Remington; she loves another. She persuades her cousin, Eleanor deLacy, to exchange identities and pose as Remington's future wife.

       Remington has planned revenge against the Magnus family, whom he held responsible for the death of his father and sisters. He is expecting a cold, calculating, aristocratic woman and instead, finds a shy, retiring one. Intrigued, he sets out to seduce her. Eleanor finds Remington too attractive and fights against his charm.

       In the meantime, Madeline is attempting to arrange her own marriage with the reluctant man she loves. It is a dilemma for Eleanor, who fears Remington's reaction when he discovers the deception.

       This is a delightful comedy of errors with two delightful protagonists: a handsome, hotheaded aggressive hero and a quiet, shy spinster who emerges as a passionate woman. The plot is well constructed with lots of action and a few steamy love scenes. The escapades and foibles are treated with humor and charm. This is a pleasure.