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Publisher:Black Death Books
Release Date: October 2004
ISBN: 9747680-7-3
Format Reviewed: Trade paperback
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Genre:   Futuristic Romance

Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Suzie Housley
Reviewer Notes: Buy From Black Death

By Jaye Roycraft

     Dina Marlyn is excited at getting a chance to work with Jon Rzije. They are assigned to investigate an outworld homicide case on Exodus. She hopes the case will give her the opportunity to get closer to Jon. She hides the fact she has telepathic powers and hopes they will give her an edge in solving the case.

    On Exodus she learns there are dens on the planet. She blames this hated race for claiming the life of her former partner. When she finds herself trapped, it is Rayn DeStar, a dens, who miraculously rescues her.

    Rayn forms an immediate attraction to Dina, although he senses her hatred of his kind. As danger and murder surround their every move, will they have time to find the love that is calling to their hearts? Or will their differences be too much to conquer?

    Jaye Roycraft has written a high flying, out of this world futuristic romance. Her writing talent allows her to give readers what their hearts crave. Whenever you hear this author's name, rest assured you are about to experience one of the best stories you have ever read.