Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Warner Books
Release Date: January 2004
ISBN: 044661226x
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre: Contemporary Romance
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Jen Oliver
Reviewer Notes:  

The Road Home
By Susan Crandall

       The Road Home brings romance to a standstill with Lily and Clay, two old lovers who are reunited through Lily's problematic son Riley. Lily feels like she does not know what to do with Riley anymore, with him getting in trouble, and her estranged husband not being around. She heads back to her hometown with Riley and has Riley work at the local marina, which is owned by Clay. Can Lily fight back her feelings for Clay? Will Clay fight his own feelings for Lily?

      The characterization and story pull at readers' heartstrings and make the reader want Clay and Lily back together, despite the bad breakup years ago. The small town atmosphere adds to the ambiance of Clay and Lily's romance. Without Riley's character, this story could not be as successful of a romance as it is.

      This reader is extremely glad that Ms. Crandall removed herself from the dental industry and became the wonderful romance writer that she has become.