Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Warner Forever / Time Warner
Release Date: December 1, 2004
ISBN: 0446613754
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre:   Romance
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Robin Thomas
Reviewer Notes:  

Say it Again Sam
Sequel to Ms. Simon Says  
By Mary McBride

   Say It Again Sam by Mary McBride is a romance about second chances. Sam Mendenhall and Beth Simon grow up together in Shelbyville, Michigan, and fall in love as teenagers. After high school, Sam decides to enlist in the Army and when the time comes for him to leave, he asks Beth to marry him. She says “No,” and they go their separate ways.

   Sixteen years later, Beth Simon returns to Shelbyville to convert the family home into a bed and breakfast. To her surprise, she finds out that Sam is back in Shelbyville and that he is the local constable. While Sam is dealing with his surfaced feelings for Beth, the town is experiencing a rash of thefts and vandalism. Despite Sam’s attempts, the crimes not only continue, but escalate in violence. To make matters worse, Beth seems to be the target of the increased violence. Sam adapts his skills as a former Delta force soldier to find the culprits and to save Beth. Ultimately, they are able to find love and a future together the second time around.

  Say It Again Sam, which is the sequel to Ms. Simon Says, is a delightful contemporary love story. Interwoven into the romance are threads of mystery and suspense. The characters are well-developed and the romantic story line captures the reader from the first page. I highly recommend this book and hope that the author continues with the series.