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Publisher: Avon
Release Date: 2004
ISBN: 0380820544
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre: Romance
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Jen Oliver
Reviewer Notes:  

A Thoroughly Modern Princess
By Wendy Corsi Staub

      What is a princess to do when she does not love the man that she has been arranged to be married to? In A Thoroughly Modern Princess, Emmaline is the princess who wants to get away from the man to whom she is scheduled to marry in a few days. She arranges with her royal maid to have her escape from her family home and go off to America. When she gets to America, she reunites with Granger Lockwood IV and is introduced to ways that are not made of money or royalty.

      A Thoroughly Modern Princess keeps the reader intrigued and laughing at what happens to Emmaline and Granger. The romance between Emmaline and Granger is at first based on lust, and then develops into true romance. The romance shows readers what people in love are willing to sacrifice, as Granger sacrificed a lot for Emmaline. The characterization of Emmaline and Granger shows depth and that they are not just fluffy characters. They have something beneath the royalty and wealth.