Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Love Rekindled

By Candi Aldermatt

   When a medical crisis forces a man to return to the family he deserted years before, can he find the forgiveness he so fervently seeks? This is a book that explores the concept of the mistakes we make in life and how they affect others, as well as making amends for those mistakes. In addition, Candi Aldermatt tackles the subject of forgiveness. How does a woman find it in her heart to forgive someone who deserted her and the two children they shared, leaving them on their own while seeking to explore what life would be like without those responsibilities? The answers are not easy, and it takes a medical crisis involving one of those children to finally motivate the wayward husband to swallow his pride.

    Aldermatt details the path well, for the father is not immediately embraced by the family which has found a way to get on without him. The emotions portrayed felt appropriate under the various circumstances. The story is told from the point of view of people with a deep Christian faith. Though those who believe differently might have a harder time accepting the path detailed in this novel, anyone looking for reassurance in the face of a relationship crisis will find hope in the story told here.

The Book

Cladach Publishing
December 1, 2004
Romance, Contemporary Christian
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The Reviewer

Patti Aliventi
© 2005