Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Here With Me

by Beverly Long

      Here With Me is an entertaining and absorbing story. I so enjoyed this book and highly recommend it to others. Beverly Long has an exceptional writing style; she mixes romance with time-travel and suspense in this magnificent story.

George Tyler steps into a set of footprints and is transported 118 years into the future. Immediately upon arriving in the twenty-first century George rescues Melody Song from the ocean where she is about to be swept out to sea.

Life had dealt Melody Song her share of hardships. She lost her parents at a young age and was then raised by her grandmother. Her grandmother is now dying of cancer, and Melody is unmarried and pregnant, with the father of her child nowhere in sight. She lies to her grandmother and tells her she is married, because she doesn't want her grandmother to die disappointed in her. George agrees to pretend to be her husband, while he waits for the set of footprints to reappear that will take him back to 1888 Wyoming Territory, where he came from.

While at her grandmother's winery in Napa Valley, California. George guards himself from becoming too emotionally involved with Melody - any day those footprints could reappear and allow him to step into them, and back to the life he'd left behind.

Strange "accidents" begin happening to Melody. George is determined to protect her and her unborn child. Going back to 1888 Wyoming Territory doesn't sound as good to George now as it once did. He struggles between staying with Melody to help her raise her child (because as hard as he tried not to, he fell in love) and returning to the life he left behind.

The Book

Berkley Publishing Group
November 7, 2006
Mass Market Paperback
More at

The Reviewer

Connie Harris
Reviewed 2006
© 2006