Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Hot Water

by Kathryn Jordan

      In a book condoning adultery, Hot Water is a steamy fantasy for a fast and easy read. The characters are predictable. "Julia" is a housewife not appreciated by her deceitful husband. She sets up a fantasy weekend which includes leasing a red Lamborghini, staying in a fancy spa resort in the desert and hiring an "escort" to fill her time there. "William" named mainly for the fact she doesn't know his name, was picked out on an internet site. When they meet, it's different "this time" for William, who we find out is really Javier, abused by some of his clients and who is really just a lover of philosophy who wants to finish school to get his Masters. The corny dialogue in this story just takes up space between explicit sex scenes. The only saving grace is that the lead characters really do care for each other, and as fragile as this relationship starts, it's amazing to see that is makes it to the end.

After I read this book, I really feel this is a novice attempt at a contemporary romance and there is something missing. The plot is nonexistent and the ending is as predictable as the characters.

The Book

Berkley Trade
January 3, 2006
Romance - Contemporary
More at
NOTE: Explicit content - sex

The Reviewer

Dawn Talley
Reviewed 2006
© 2006