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The Kiss

by Elda Minger

      On the evening before her wedding, Tess Sommerville ponders marriage, true love and cold feet. She confesses her pre-wedding jitters to her best friend, Brooke. On the last night of being single, Tess is shocked when her high school crush appears. Will Tremere, a family friend, glides back into her life with a single dance. Is it a bad sign that Tess regrets her upcoming nuptials? In The Kiss, author Elda Minger shows the joy in finding and building a relationship to that first kiss.

Are Tess' nagging worries normal? Her doubts are answered when she catches her husband-to-be in a compromising situation with an old girlfriend. Her vision clear, Tess recounts her fiancé's shortcomings. Her family still wants her to go through with the wedding. Tess usually follows her family's plans. Should she swallow her pride and wed a cheater? Tess impulsively calls Will and asks to join him on his cross-country trip to California. Her only plan is to put more miles between her and the doomed wedding. Will heartily agrees to her company. Will understands the pain of a broken heart. He cannot help but hope for more than friendship. Tess cannot help but compare Will to her fiancé. Is Will pretending to be kind? How can he say all the right things at the right time? Tess searches for her own desires, while Will attempts to hide his wants.

In The Kiss, author Elda Minger takes the reader into a fun romance. The heroine must unravel her own perceptions from her family's demands. She grows as a strong, independent woman. The hero shows perfection; he is handsome, perceptive, caring, and patient. The hero and heroine each have friends who encourage their journey on the road and in their hearts. I love the humor in the story. I also love the dogs and their place in the storyline. The Kiss will leave you with a sweet taste and a warm heart.

The Book

The Berkley Publishing Group/The Penguin Group
March 7, 2006
Romance Contemporary
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The Reviewer

Jennifer Akers
Reviewed 2006
© 2006