Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The List
A Love Story in 781 Chapters

by Aneva Stout

      "A book with 781 Chapters? What?" That's what I thought until delving deeper into this short hardback... It's so tiny that you'll breeze through this book, a quick and easy read. Most of the chapters are just one line long. This is the perfect girlfriend gift - if she is breaking up with "The One" or thinking she might just have found "The One". The List is the kind of book where you think "Oh yeah, I've thought of that and done that." or "Wow, this is just like a conversation I've had with my best friend."

This was a funny little book, about how we as women act when wanting love so badly that when we find it we are sure it's the next big fairy tale (with included happily ever after, of course) waiting to happen. Aneva Stout had a clever idea with this book. Loved it!

The Book

Workman Publishing Company
April 27, 2006
Romance - Contemporary
More at

The Reviewer

Dawn Talley
Reviewed 2006
© 2006