Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Master of Wolves

by Angela Knight

      Jim London does not believe that his friend, and fellow werewolf, would have willingly turned another person into a rogue werewolf. In order to find out exactly what happened and why, Jim goes undercover at the local police station. To make it easy to infiltrate the station, he decides to present himself as the new K-9 agent. He quickly realizes that trying to learn anything useful in that guise will be difficult. And that’s the easy part.

His human partner is Faith Weston. Partners protect each other, right? Partners take care of each other, right? The trouble is, once Jim reveals his human and werewolf forms, and their partnership moves to a different level, he’s not sure of anything anymore - except that the number of rogue werewolves is growing and it’s up to him to stop them. The task grows ever more complex with the addition of vampires and Mageverse inhabitants all seeking the same object.

Jim and Faith could not survive without the help of his sister, and Merlin in the mageverse. The Mageverse is peopled with lots of familiar names, but with not so familiar characteristics. Ms. Knight’s Mageverse is a nice blend of past, present, and magic -all of which Jim and Faith need to survive.

Not all of them did, but a few of the sex scenes detracted from the paranormal tale. Ms. Knight’s tale is one of magic and trust, and letting the good guys win, even if the good guys appear differently than you think.

The Book

Berkley Sensation
May, 2006
Mass Market Paperback
Paranormal / Romance
More at

The Reviewer

Tara Manderino
Reviewed 2006
© 2006