Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Much Ado in the Moonlight

by Lynn Kurland

      Lynn Kurland does it again with her latest paranormal time-travel. Characters from previous books are once more enjoyed as a trio of meddling ghosts work on their latest matchmaking scheme and victims.

Victoria McKinnon isn’t sure why her brother wants her to use his castle as a backdrop for a theater production of Hamlet but since he is footing the bill, she is more than willing to oblige his strange gift. She plans to use the romantic setting to snare her leading man into a relationship. But that plan flies out the window when she meets Connor MacDougal -the most handsome man she’s ever seen in her life. The only problem is he’s a ghost.

Connor is laird of his clan or he was until his dead wife’s lover turned him into a ghost. His anger and un-avenged death makes him a tad testy. His failure to frighten off the beautiful and mouthy Victoria makes his mood worse. Soon he discovers that the more he’s around her the more he wants to please her. In an effort to woo the theatrical vixen, he takes his sword in hand and goes to the trio of ghosts for some romantic advice. When Vic’s grandmother disappears through a time gate, he’s more than willing to lend his mortal love his support when she travels back in time.

Life becomes hectic when Victoria’s leading man runs off and takes her supporting cast with him. Connor, who’s never tread a stage in his life, finds himself playing the lead in a play that draws rave reviews. But his awesome rendition of Hamlet only makes Vic wish he was mortal. When a solution comes to light that will help her in that quest, she doesn’t hesitate to throw herself down the rabbit hole or back through time to save Connor from a gruesome death.

An awesome romance with a gripping take on emotions more than sexual situations. Humor and tender moments make this book a keeper for all time.

The Book

Jove Books
May 2006
Contemporary Time Travel Romance/Paranormal
More at

The Reviewer

Faith V. Smith
Reviewed 2006
© 2006