By Janet Lane Walters

New Concepts Publishing – June 1999
ISBN: 189029951 - eBook
Romance / Contemporary
Reviewed by: Pam Stone, MyShelf.Com
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Laurel Richmond returns home from India with a raging fever and cough. Her best friend, Megan, was supposed to meet her at the airport, but sent her brother, Dr. Alex Carter, whom Laurel had a crush on when she was younger.  Laurel faints and is taken to the hospital where she is diagnosed with pneumonia.  She is ordered to stay in the hospital, which she is dead set against.  She hated the hospital because of her parents’ deaths and her months of painful rehabilitation.  Alex convinces her to stay at least until her fever goes away.  When she is released from the hospital, she goes to Alex's because he has a full time housekeeper to look after Laurel.

Laurel is still in love with Alex, and Alex has feelings towards Laurel, but he will not let those feeling develop.  He distrusts rich women because of his first wife.  Will Alex learn to trust Laurel?  Come along on their rocky  road and see if they can overcome their past scars and build a life together.

Janet Lane Walters has written a very warm and charming love story with characters that you feel connected to.  You sense their sorrows as if they are your own.  I would love to see another installment of these characters.

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