By Metsy Hingle

Texas Cattleman’s Club / Desire, No. 1250
Silhouette  – Nov. 1999
ISBN: 037376250 – Paperback
Romance / Series

Reviewed by: Brenda Weeaks, MyShelf.Com
Buy It Here 

Royal twins Miranda (sugar britches) and Edward have lost their mother. Now they are in danger of being political pawns, and their aunt wants them brought to safety.  That’s where the Texas Cattleman’s Club comes in. It’s a club of five wealthy bachelors who set out to rescue a princess, and in the process each find true love. In book four of the series, author Metsy Hingle leads us through a royal rescue and a new romance between Blake Hunt and the widowed Josie. Blake, who has former Cobra training, is assigned to enter the palace and rescue the twins right out their cribs. Next he is to deliver them to the aunt in Royal, Texas. Naturally, when so much is at stake, what ever can go wrong -- does. While transporting the babies, Blake finds himself driving through the worse storm Texas has ever had, and he has already decided babies and bachelors do not mix. Widow Josie, who Blake renames, takes him and the babies in once she discovers them. There is instant chemistry; physical attraction is no doubt mutual, but Cupid can’t seem to get the deeply hidden romance off the ground until both partakers’ pasts are cleared up. Do they both have that kind of patience? And will both be accepting of each other’s past lives once Blake’s amnesia is cured?

What a great quick read. The mixing of intrigue and romance has always been a plus for me in category romances. I liked the way Ms. Hingle handled the replay of the royal rescue as Blake relived it. Written in italics, the scenes carry a presence of danger and intrigue; I found myself whispering the scenes in my mind. The story is well written; the characters are likable and true to form as far as I’m concerned and the plot is very good.

The Texas Cattleman Club series titles are: Texas Millionaire by Dixie Browning, Cinderella's Tycoon by Caroline Cross and Billionaire Bridegroom by Peggy Moreland. Secret Agent Dad by Metsy Hingle is the forth in the series and Lone Star Prince by Cindy Gerard, which was out in December of ’99, was the last title in the five part series. They are all available at, and I heartily recommend them to any romance, but especially category romance readers.

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