Warriors of Palahia Series, No 1
Writers Club Press - June 2000
ISBN: 0595004539 - Trade paperback
Fantasy / Contemporary
Mild Violence

Reviewed by Robyn Glazer,
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Bloodspiller allows us to meet the Guardians of the Temple of Ekkran, whose only purpose is to serve their evil deity. One of the most powerful Guardians is Ral Thagus, who throws aside all the rules of his deity and world by falling in love with a noblewoman who has been taken hostage. Because of his disobedience, Ral is thrown out of the temple with instructions never to return. From here on out life gets very difficult for Ral. Now that he is not on the Guardians side, he is their enemy and no one wants to have a Guardian as an enemy. But the Guardians also better be careful not to underestimate the power of Ral.

This book is full of wonderful things. The battle scenes are done brilliantly, with non-stop action. The descriptions of the time and place transport me into this fantastic world that Rodack has created. All of the characters have aspects to them that allow me to feel as if they were real. My favorite thing about this book is the intensity in every part of the novel. This is a book that makes you care and wonder what is going to happen to the characters. I am anxiously waiting for book two in this series.

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