By Barbara Korsness
AmErica House - Jan 2002
ISBN 1588515095 - PB
Historical Fantasy / Inspirational
Ancient World, various locations

Reviewed by: Rachel A Hyde,
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Laura is on holiday in the Bahamas, trying to decide whether or not to wed her managing boyfriend Louis when a dive transports her back in time to sometime between the Flood and Abraham's birth. She has been summoned by an old mystic called Rayland, who is a citizen of Atlantis and he has a mission for her - to preserve belief in the One True God that the Atlanteans have brought from their own distant planet and try and stop the evil ruler of Lantos from converting everybody to his cruel pagan religion that practices human sacrifice.

An inspirational with a difference! This one is sure to appeal to fans of Rider Haggard and the "lost race" type of fantasy, which is my own favourite and all too rare in a time when fantasy equals Tolkeinesque fare. Priestesses of the moon, ancient civilizations, human sacrifice…it is all here in a short but innovative book. I would have liked more description though as there is actually very little and by the end of the book I was disappointed that I had not been able to picture any of the locations, nor what the people looked like and wore to any great extent. This made the tale seem a little bald when it should have been lush and exotic but if this author is going to write more in this vein then I will certainly want to read it.

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