Dr. Who
By Dave Stone
Telos Publishing Ltd - March 2002
ISBN: 1903889049 (Standard HB)
ISBN: 1903889057 (Deluxe HB)
SF/TV Tie-in (Dr Who)

Reviewed by Rachel A Hyde, MyShelf.Com

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This is the second Dr. Who novella from Telos Publishing - the first one, Time and Relative by Kim Newman - was reviewed on this site last December. The show may be history but a TV classic as well-lived as this isn't going to fade away while there are so many devotees, so this series of collectable hardcover novellas is sure to be a hit with fans.

This story features the seventh Doctor, a shadowy enigmatic character played by Sylvester McCoy and his tough assistant Ace who is his antithesis and keeps her feet firmly on the ground, adding a perfect foil to the Doctor's unfathomable persona. In the city-state of Hokesh a street boy, Joey Quine, lives rough and is subject to strange visions and dreams. He is found by Ace whilst in the city's future the Doctor seems to be ensuring that the city falls apart - but why? This is a wonderfully brief snapshot of a city straight out of Peake or Moorcock that mixes SF with horror and is certainly not the stuff of Saturday tea-times, but then, that is the beauty of keeping Dr. Who alive between the pages of a book; you can have him any way you will. If the TV series was still going, maybe this would be the sort of episode viewers would be treated to, and this is certainly a book that will appeal to a modern audience. If all the books are of this caliber, Telos deserves to sell them in vast quantities - more please.

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