Enchanter by Sara Douglass
Book 2 of The Wayfarer Redemption
Tor Books -- October 2001
ISBN: 03187587 -- Hardcover
Fantasy - for Violence

Reviewed by Jo Rogers, MyShelf.Com
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THE WAYFARER REDEMPTION continues with ENCHANTER. It is also a long book, but once again, no word in unnecessary. As with Book One, it leaves more questions than answers.

By the time Book Two begins, Axis has solved the mystery of his father's identity and has discovered that his mother is alive, and married to his father, StarDrifter SunSoar, an Icarii Enchanter, one of the Forbidden. He has also discovered he is the man in the Prophecy that will unite all the races and defeat Gorgrael. But his victory is not assured, for the Prophecy also tells of a traitor in his camp, but it doesn't identify him or her.

Axis still has more questions than answers. He has met a woman, a human, with heavy scars on her back. Her father, Brother Hagen, was a member of the Seneschal, and abused Azhure. Axis has fallen in love with Azhure, and so has StarDrifter. But no woman but another SunSoar can draw them as Azhure does. Who is this woman? Why can she master the enchanted bow, the Wolven, of WolfStar SunSoar, a long-dead Icarii Enchanter-Talon, when no one else can? And why do the Alaunt, WolfStar's war hounds, follow her? Is she the traitor? And where is the fifth of the Sentinels, the magical beings, thousands of years old, who relate the Prophecy and advise those involved? The biggest question is, since an Enchanter must learn the songs from another Enchanter, who taught both Axis and Gorgrael how to sing the music of the StarDance when they were children?

ENCHANTER is even more interesting than Book One. It delves deeper into the mystery of the Prophecy. But for every question it answers, it raises two more. The ending is still a cliffhanger, and I await Book Three with great anticipation and impatience.

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