Heaven's Gate
By John W. Herbert
1stBooks Library - October 2001
ISBN: 0-75966-283-5 - Paperback
Science Fiction

Reviewed by: Jo Rogers, MyShelf.Com
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John and Maureen Hendrickson were enjoying their Alaskan cruise in spite of the cold. Without warning, their vacation was interrupted by an adventure like no other, a trip aboard a UFO. It began when John, filming Maureen on the deck of the cruise ship, spotted the UFO on top of the glacier. Before he could recover from the shock of seeing it, he found himself aboard the ship, face to face with a handsome young alien who had no name. Soon, Maureen was also brought aboard, and the two of them named the alien George.

George and the ship's computer took John and Maureen to see the Moon and Mars, showing them places where people had lived on Mars, and showing them how the planet Minerva became the asteroid belt and its moon became Earth's moon. He also took them to Planet X, where the survivors from Minerva were coming dangerously close to destroying their new world.

The science in HEAVEN'S GATE is definitely largely fiction. But the story is an enjoyable romp through space all of us would like to take. The language is clean, and the story has a strong moral, making it fit reading even for children. The moral is this: For Earth to survive, we must put aside our fears, hatred and greed and work together to help each other in peace, harmony and love. Mr. Herbert says Jesus Christ gave us the answer: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul and with all thy might, and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." He gave us the answer: He is the answer. That nugget of truth alone makes this book worth reading.

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