The Axis Trilogy, No. 3
By Sara Douglass
Tor Books - May 2002
ISBN: 0-312-87888-5 - Hardcover
for Violence, Language, Sexual themes

Reviewed by: Jo Rogers, MyShelf.Com
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STARMAN is the third book of the Wayfarer Redemption series and the concluding book of the Axis trilogy. Here, Axis has married Azhure and Faraday has left Carlon to replant the great forests of Tencendor. Both are necessary for Axis to defeat Gorgrael, but Azhure is now too weak to fight at Axis' side. The twins she was carrying when Axis unlocked her memory have turned malevolent. They hate Axis for what he put their mother through and Azhure for forgiving him. At least that is what they told their grandfather, StarDrifter. Both the girl and the boy have Icarii Enchanter powers and can communicate from the womb. But they are draining Azhure's strength, and StarDrifter isn't sure she will survive their birth.

That isn't Axis' only worry. Artor, angry at the destruction of the Seneschal, has come to this world to fight for survival as a god. His main task is to stop Faraday from replanting the forest he has destroyed. And Timozel has gone to Gorgrael and is in charge of his army. The Skraelings are no longer a seething mass but a disciplined army a hundred times the size of Axis' forces. Can they all survive long enough to come together and defeat the Skraelings? Even so, Axis must face and destroy Gorgrael alone. Can he do it?

STARMAN is fantasy at its finest. The constant danger does not let up, from page one to the very end. The book is long, more than five hundred pages, but is well worth the time spent in reading it. Make the entire WAYFARER REDEMPTION series a vacation reading adventure. You won't be disappointed!

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