By T.M. Hunter
AmErica House - 2002
ISBN: 1591291852 - Paperback
Science Fiction

Reviewed by Nancy Mehl for MyShelf.com
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Aston West was once a pilot for the Gryphon Defense Force - but things have changed. Now, he works as a scavenger pirate, making his living by finding abandoned cargo and selling it to the highest bidder. A much safer line of work…or so he thought. During the delivery of a cargo of blue crystals to a contact on the planet Toris, he happens upon a seemingly deserted Rulusian freighter. His computer reports that there is cargo on board, and Aston's greed leads him to board the ship. Unfortunately, he finds much more than he bargained for. Along with a shipment of illegal weapons, he discovers the bodies of the Rulusian crew - and one survivor from the dead ship - a woman named Rione Sc'lari. As Torian ships surround the floating graveyard, Aston and Rione flee back to Aston's ship before they are destroyed with the rest of the freighter.

Rione is an enigma. Who is she and what does she really want? There is a civil war raging on Toris - and Aston reluctantly finds himself thrust right in the middle of it. What is Rione's part in the danger that swirls around him? Before all his questions are answered, he will have to reach down deep inside himself to find out whether a trace of the man he used to be survives. The question may not be who needs a hero, but whether or not a hero can be found in the person of Aston West.

T.M. Hunter has written a fast-paced, entertaining story that is hard to put down. The writing is clear and direct, and the plot will keep the reader turning the pages. The worlds he has created are creatively developed. Sci-fi readers will enjoy WHO NEEDS A HERO. So will anyone who likes a good story.

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