Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Hilary Press 
Release Date: October 2002
ISBN: 0-935367-09-9 
Format Reviewed: Audio CD
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Genre: Science Fiction 
Reviewer: Jo Rogers
Reviewer's Notes: Violence, Language

The Creatures from Calumet City
The Hangjab Brothers
By Danny D’Agostino  

     This audio book version of The Hangjab Brothers In: The Case of the Creatures of Calumet City was taken from the screen play by Danny D’Agostino and Michael D’Agostino.

     The Hangjab brothers, Stan and Leroy, are a pair of broke and bumbling private detectives from Chicago. When the story opens, they are bemoaning the fact that they will have to come up with a case so they can pay their rent and that they will have to lunch at the local soup kitchen again.

     Suddenly, their phone rings. Leroy eagerly answers it, expecting a paying customer on the other end of the line, but it’s their Uncle Eddie and he’s in trouble. He is in Indiana on a solo camping trip and is screaming for help, while yelling at something to go away. In the background, Leroy hears a drone and ripping metal.

      The brothers rush to his aid, but when they arrive at the campsite, the trailer is torn apart and Uncle Eddie is gone. The boys find his keys and a strange sheet of plastic-looking stuff, which they take in to be analyzed. They also send someone out to rescue the sheriff they left in Uncle Eddie’s trailer.

      The rescuers find the sheriff torn apart. Then, the brothers are told the plastic is from an insect that weighs two tons. They have a good laugh and go again to look for their uncle. Their search leads them to the abandoned house that is actually occupied by Dr. Franklin Norman Stein and his assistant. Can they save Uncle Eddie from the mad scientist?

     Stupidity reigns supreme in this sci-fi farce. The audio is fully acted, complete with sound effects. You will need a strong stomach for some of them. Other than the offensive language and graphic descriptions, this was an enjoyable listen.

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