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Publisher: Poniard Press
Release Date: 1 March 2003
ISBN: 0972424806
Format Reviewed: Trade Paperback
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Genre: Fantasy [Mediaeval state in modern US]
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Rachel A Hyde
Reviewer Notes:

Finding Time
Becket Chronicles, No. 1
By Jason A Grunewald 

     Unhappy teacher Charles Hepburn has managed to get himself lost in the woods during his first hunting trip. He is just about to abandon all hope when he is rescued and ends up in a most extraordinary place: Becket, a small independent "country" in the middle of America in which it is always the Middle Ages. The vision of an eccentric and wealthy 19th century businessman called Alexander Becket, it seems like a dream come true to Hepburn when he is allowed to stay and tutor the King's young son. Here he will live according to the principles he has always cherished and at last find a place where he can fit in. But even in paradise there is a serpent, and you cannot run from human nature. Becket has its share of villains as well as heroes and there is a war in the offing.

     There is something fascinating about a story concerning a "lost world", whether it is one of Rider Haggard's masterly creations or the equally compelling Dinotopia. This new series by an equally new publishing house is all set to join these hallowed ranks. Grunewald knows his history, and is adept at creating this well-realized magical kingdom with its wonders and flaws. Like all the best fantasy, it draws the reader in and appears to be virtually believable, populated as it is by some well-drawn characters and their unique way of life. It could have been way over the top, but instead the villainy is all too believable and the only true fantasy here is in the idea of this independent kingdom.

     This one ought to appeal equally to all those readers who enjoy historical novels and compelling tales of the triumphs and tragedies of the human condition but abhor magical hocus-pocus. Hard to describe, impossible to put down and delightfully unique, this is surely one of this year's best fantasies. Watch out for book two!

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