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Publisher: Aspect / TimeWarner 
Release Date:  October 2003
Format Reviewed:
Mass Market Paperback 
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Genre:   Science Fiction
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer:   Jo Rogers
Reviewer Notes:  Violence

Sequel to Warchild
By Karin Lowachee 

     In Burndive, Karin Lowachee returns to the galaxy as it was in Warchild. This time, though Jos Musey is a part of the story, it is through the eyes of Ryan Azarcon that the story is told.
Ryan is the nineteen-year-old son of Cairo Azarcon, captain of the warship Macedon. Unlike Jos Musey, Ryan has only seen one tragedy in his young life. He still has nightmares about the carnage he witnessed when his grandfather's embassy in Hong Kong was destroyed by terrorists. These were people who disagreed with the war with the striviirc-na.

     Ryan drops out of Earth college and returns to Austro station and home. He tries to forget the images of burned bodies--bodies blown apart by a powerful bomb. To do this, he turns to a drug called "silver." His desire for silver leads him to a club where he plans to meet his dealer.

     Once again, Ryan is confronted with the bloodshed he has tried so hard to forget. Someone kills the girl he is dancing with when an attempt is made on his life. Cairo Azarcon is unwilling to risk his son's life more than necessary. He takes Ryan aboard the Macedon, then returns to the peace talks he has begun. Now Ryan must face his nightmares without silver.

     Then there is the question of who tried to kill him. Who wanted the peace talks to end enough to aim at his father through him?

     Burndive is a fitting sequel to the bestselling Warchild. Karin Lowachee not only continues the quality of work she exhibited in her first novel, she improves it. Pick up a copy of both Warchild and Burndive and introduce yourself to the newest star in science fiction. She will be here for a long time to come.